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Is our thoughts and behavior a result of the food we eat??

At first it might sound strange that anone could react mentally by common foodstuff. But then again, we have all seen alcohol making drunks become aggressive. Coffee will make you alert, or make you shake if you get too much. Tobacco makes you calm. Coca leaves give you strenght and endurance. Most of our medicines originally stems from plants that sometimes even are used in standard cooking, -although in lower quantities and concentrations.


The Norwegian physician Andreas Følling, working in a home for retarded children, discovered during the 1930:s how a large subgroup of his patients suffered from an unusual enzyme defect. He later found that if this enzyme defect is discovered early, and the children are put on diet, no brain damage occur. Today, this defect is called PKU (phenylketonuria) and all newborn in the western world are screened from this directly after birth. This way, the unlucky bearers of this defect can be discovered at an early age, and put on a strict diet before irreversible damage to the brain occur. On this diet, the children develop normally, but breakind the diet they becomer severely intellectually retarded.


During the last few decennies, it has been proven how several mental illnesses, -like autism, schizophrenia, bipolar depression, ADHD, depression and anxiety disorders- can be caused by enzyme defects. Still, far too many suffering from this knows little to nothing about this causation and its treatments. The results is mental illness.


For a more detailed explanation of the enzyme defect theory , see "sjukdomsfakta". More and more people tell how even dementia can disappear (and perhaps be prevented?) by a diet free of gluten and casein (milk protein).


On this site we will inform everyone suffering from mental illnesses and their families and close ones about hos common foods can affect our thoughts and brains. For those of us having protein intolerance, foods containing milk(casein) and grains (gluten) can affect our mental health. It can cause a range of mental disorders from attention deficiencies , anxienty, depression, to fullbown autism or schizophrenia, all depending on exactly which enzyme defect we have.



There are of course no reason to avoid milk or gluten for people not having this defect. But for those of us who were born with a low low or non-functioning enzyme defect, these common foods can give serious trouble! Living on a glutenfree, caseinfree diet (GFCF) is difficult, especially in the beginning, but well worth the effort since it gives us a redically improved life quality. Removing all traces of gluten and casein, and supplementing with the right enzyme complex, symptoms may disappear fully or partly.



Mat & Psyke



Om Proteinintolerans, gluten & mjölk/kasein-fri diet och kopplingen till ADHD, Autism, Depression och Schizofreni


Our Vision:

Explaining the intimate connection between our foods and our physical and mental well-being. Helping people to a better and happier life by spreading the knowledge of protein intolerance and a gluten and caseinfree diet.